“Song About Singing” - (it’s secret)

Story Pairing

I felt that with the kind of heavy topic last time I would pick a lighter song from the vaults. It has its tinge of sadness in there (as I love to do), but it’s a catchy melody that you don’t need to listen too close to if you don’t want.

A theme of my life is how I often pick music over a lot of other things. When I stop and reflect I feel a little bashfully guilty at all the birthdays, parties, holidays, etc that I miss because I am either out playing a show, traveling, or just don’t want to leave my notebook and guitar long enough to go mingle. That guilt lingers a bit, but it always is pushed out of the way for the next song. I wonder if some of us are just supposed to sacrifice certain “norms” to make something that means more to us than those said expectations. Is it necessarily wrong? It may not be normal and some may be hurt to find that they rank a little lower on the priority list than a “song”, but it’s how I’m wired.

Curious if you have something like that? Something that you could be content spending all of your time with. I guess that’s this song’s idea. Presenting different ideas that could replace writing and singing a song, but they never hold. The chorus has a line that says “if I repeat myself enough, then my mind might think it’s true” and that is a personal line that runs through my head often. I think about tricking the think that is thinking about tricking itself often, and it never works, go figure. (also do we say “go figure” anymore?)

Recently I have re-kindled my love of drawing and art and found a way to partner it with my music career a little. So dusting this song off randomly and seeing the line about painting felt like some sort of bullshit sign, so I like that too.

Anyway, parties are overrated, now write a song.

Song Structure


Verse - C / F / C / C / G / F / C

Chorus - F/ C / C / G / F / C / G / F / C / G / F

Voice Memos

There isn’t one. Simple.

Notebook Page

There isn’t one of these either.

It was written in 2018 though.


If I sang about sleeping, would you rest your eyes with me

If I sang about dreaming, would you tell me what you see

If I sang about loving, would you give me something sweet

Let me try to sweep you off your feet

If I sang about traveling, would you put on your leaving shoes

If I sang about dancing, would you show me your go to moves

If I sang about flying, would you spread your arms out wide

If we jumped at least we could say we tried

I don't sing this song for you, I don't sing this for you

If I repeat myself enough, then my mind might think it's true

I don't sing this song for you, those days are gone those days are through

and writing songs is all I know to do

If I sang about painting, would you let me be inspired

If I sang about reading, would you pull a chair by the fire

If I sang about growing, would you plant those seeds down deep

The wind will blow but the roots will keep

I don't sing this song for you, I don't sing this for you

If I repeat myself enough, then my mind might think it's true

I don't sing this song for you, those days are gone those days are through

and writing songs is all I know to do

If I sang about hanging, would you cut that rope

If I sang about drowning, would you give me a thing to float

If I sang about dying, would you give me a little faith

Use the pages of your book to fill my grave

I don't sing this song for you, I don't sing this for you

If I repeat myself enough, then my mind might think it's true

I don't sing this song for you, those days are gone those days are through

and writing songs is all I know to do

I always pick the page between the two

Thank you to my Patreon folks that help fund the time and equipment that goes into making these songs and publishing the process. If you believe in original music and would like to be a part of it, feel free to join us here.


“32 Cent Shoes” - a song about quality


“This Town” - a song about pretend